четверг, 8 ноября 2018 г.

The creative method of thinking and the ideas for the speech

Hello, dear readers!

To come up with the ideas for the persuasive speech, I’ve chosen the method of random words to help me. I’ve found ten words in the dictionary and five words gave me some ideas.
Firstly, “stress” is a common thing when you want to succeed in something and you have to work very hard. Maybe, it will be a good idea to describe the ways of coping with pressure. Also, as my topic is connected with determination, it’d be interesting to compare the results of those who managed to straddle over some difficulties with those who couldn’t resist the stress and gave up.
Secondly, I united two words that are “enemy” and “erase” because only by killing your “enemies” (laziness, fears, lack of confidence, etc.) you’ll get the result. Then, some techniques how to push oneself and start working should be mentioned in the speech.
Third, because of hard work we expand our skills and learn different information, change our inner worlds and broaden our minds (grow as a person) and it can be shown through the personal example.

2 комментария:

  1. I'm glad you find this method useful and have generated a bunch of good ideas.

  2. Wow! I will have to try this method sometime! It seems really interesting and seems like it helps foster creativity!


Challenge 10