Good evening! I'm glad to see you there again!
Today we’re studying how to make the introduction more effective. My task is to watch five public speakers perform and understand what attention-getters are used in each speech and then evaluate the transition between the attention-getter and the thesis.
Today we’re studying how to make the introduction more effective. My task is to watch five public speakers perform and understand what attention-getters are used in each speech and then evaluate the transition between the attention-getter and the thesis.
Speech 1: Asking
a question (How are we, “homo sapience” doing as a species?)
Speech 2: Acting
as an illustration of the speech (= Life will sometimes feel like a fight) +
questions (Can you think of a time when life tried to knock you down?)
Speech 3: Telling
a story + the quotation (George Washington Cavers says all learning is understanding
Speech 4: Questions
(How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? How do you explain when
other are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?)
Speech 5: Making a reference (I feel there is
uncomfortable tension in the room…I shouldn’t have worn this dress) + asking
the question (So, why did I do that?)
II. The
thesis statements and evaluation of the transition:
of nature don’t end well”. I’d give 2 pts for the transition. I liked the
transition between the 1st question to the statement because it was
logic and laconic but at the same time the introduction seems quite long and “heavy”.
I think the reason of this is that the speaker used too much scientific terms.
most challenging opponent is ourselves”. I’d give 3 pts to this speaker. The
attention-getter was impressive because you can’t get tired of somebody who
performs on stage. The transition was
simple but relevant – the speaker asked the question and the answered it with
the statement thesis.
liked the way the speaker used the quotation and made it a statement thesis(George
Washington Cavers says all learning is understanding relationships). The
transition is not evident but it’s a laconic one – I believe, it’s the
strongest introduction from all the speeches. Without a doubt, the speaker scores
3 pts.
a number of questions is always a winner as you involve the listeners in your
speech and make them think, too. The transition is done well, in the logic of
the speech. Then, I’d give him 3 pts.
5. "Image is powerful but also, image is superficial". Personally,
I don’t like the transition of the last speech. I’m afraid, the actions (and
some sentences, too) were distractive and confusing, and some of them were not
to the point. Because of this, is seems that the statement thesis I separated from
the whole text. I’d give 1 pt.
Thank you for your attention!
Thank you for your attention!
Hi Lena! Congrats, you got all the attention in the first task right! I would just only add pne more to the last performance about the model. The most striking thing she does is that she changes her outfit. I would call it "making a startling ACTION".
ОтветитьУдалитьI also like your reflections on the trasnitions. Good job!