четверг, 18 октября 2018 г.

Setting out clear, measurable objectives

Continuing the topic “Speech preparation”, I am to indentify the possible objectives of following speeches:
In his performance, Ken Robinson reflects on educational system and calls for changing the modal of it: the idea is that we should develop our talents in the sphere of our interests – the ones that give passion and excite our spirits. We should improve the situation by changing the educational modal according to students’ interests and talents
Objective of the speech is to change the situation and rethink the educational system  
Zifang Su tells about her fears that she has to overcome. She also points out though it seems very difficult and sometimes frightening to do something, it’s important to get over worries and gain a new experience. You should always give a chance to something new.
Objective of the speech is to help people change their lifestyle
In the video, Matthew McConaughey thanks everyone for the Oscar and names the rules of his life. As he says, a person should always make himself/herself better.  
Objective of the speech is to inspire change in one person  

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